Tara Deacon

Utopia painted by Tara Deacon.
Tara Deacon is an illustrator based in Berlin. She paints the beach in Italy, pottery, furniture, and a man sitting still on a chair, or colorful fruits and plants. They are small happenings in everyday life, a scene she came across on her travels, or an overlooked everyday observation where nothing particularly special would happen. Still, on her pallet, there seems to be a fertile soil that would accept everything and the dazzling sun that would let us enjoy our lives. In her unique color usage and simple brushwork, we can clearly feel the continuous tradition and history of South Africa, her hometown. We visited her in her apartment to sense a part of the colorful world that Tara paints.

and the most private thing for me.
- 絵を描き始めた頃のことを教えてください。
- 小さな時からいつも絵を描いていました。物心ついた時には筆を持っていましたね。ペインティング、ドローイング、紙を切ったり貼ったり。私は本当にスーパー・クリエイティブな女の子でした。私のママも芸術家肌の人。いつもキッチンで食べ物や植物に囲まれて、自由を謳歌していたのを覚えています。小さな頃からそんな活発なママの影響を受けていたのは間違いありません。
- その後、絵との関わりはどうなりましたか。
- 高校生になってからは、デザインを学び始めました。卒業後は、プロダクトデザイン分野を目指して、ヨハネスブルクにある学校で4年間学びました。それからプロフェッショナルな工業デザインの世界に飛び込み、毎日パソコンの画面の前で、一日中CADの画面と向き合う生活を送っていました。そのころの私にとって、仕事を終えて絵を描くこと、絵の具を混ぜあわせ、紙の上に絵筆を走らせることは癒やしであり、とてもパーソナルなものだったと思います。
- ベルリンへ移り住むことになった経緯を。
- とにかく知らない国を旅して外の世界を見たいと思っていました。それでまずはヨーロッパを周ってみようと。縁があってオランダでベビーシッターとして1年間くらい、ある一家と暮らすことになりました。小さな子供たちを学校に連れていったり、朝ご飯を作ったり。そんな風に異国の家族と一緒に過ごすことは、異なる文化を理解する絶好の機会だと思います。言葉もそう。2、3日アムステルダムに滞在して、いわゆる観光地を見てまわるのとは違う、特別な体験ですよね。そんな時、ふらりと旅行に出かけたのがベルリンでした。そして今の恋人に出会い、この街で一緒に暮らさないか、彼がそう言ってくれたんです。私はベルリンへ移住することを決意しました。それからここに一緒に暮らしてもう3年になります。
- Tell us how you started painting.
- I have been always painting since my childhood. I remember myself holding a brush when I was very little, painting, drawing, cutting and pasting. I think I was truly a super creative girl growing up. My mother is also a creative person. I remember her always enjoying freedom being surrounded by food and plants in the kitchen. She has definitely been a big influence on me since my childhood.
- After that, how were you involved in painting?
- I started to study design from high school. After graduation, I went to a University in Johannesburg to study Industrial Design followed by working in this field professionally by means of a 9-5 day job. I found myself spending most of my days in front of a computer screen using auto CAD, and longed to create things with my bare hands again. In my spare time, I found solace in drawing, painting, working with paper, mixing colors and creating brushstrokes. It was the most private thing for me.
- What brought you here to Berlin?
- I just wanted to travel to unknown countries to see the different world, and I decided to go to Europe first. I happened to find a chance to live with a family as a babysitter in the Netherlands for a year. I made breakfast for kids and took them to school, for instance. It was the perfect opportunity to understand a different culture as well as language and spending time with a family in a different country. Being totally different from a short sightseeing tour or something, it was a special experience for me. I went on a spontaneous trip alone to Berlin during this time and this where I met my boyfriend. He asked me to come to Berlin to live together and so I made up my mind to move to the city permanently. Three years have passed since we started to live together.
Not to show them to someone, but for myself.
- ベルリンにはすぐに馴染めましたか。
- ベルリンに来た当時は、自分の状況に戸惑っていました。プロダクトデザインを学び、世界を旅して、たくさんの素晴らしい人たちと出会って、そしてベルリンへ移り住むことになった。これは南アフリカから出てきた私からすれば大きな変化がいっぺんに訪れたような状態でした。でもとにかく仕事しなきゃってことで、また幼稚園で働くことに。それはとても大変な仕事でした。ストレスも溜まりましたね。
- イラストレーターとして活動を始めた経緯を。
- 仕事を終え、電車で家に帰って。それから私は絵を描き始めました。誰に見せるためではなく、ただ自分のためだけに。いつも上手に描けたわけではなかったけれど、とにかく好きなように描き始めたんです。時々インスタグラムにアップもしました。毎日絵を描いて、何の気なしにアップしていたら、それを見た人たちがアプローチをしてくれるようになりました。一緒に仕事をしましょうと!他にもプリントを購入したいという人がいたり、少しずつですが自然にイラストレーションの仕事が広がっていったんです。
私は学校でイラストレーションを学んだわけではないけれど、こうして自分に起るリアルな体験から一つ一つ学んでいるところです。時には自分の行いや作品が気にいらない時もありますが。たくさん失敗もしてきましたしね。 - 例えば、それはどんな失敗ですか。
- ものすごく期待してたプロジェクトの話が立ち消えちゃったりするのは、とてもがっかりしてしまうものです。この世界において、人は様々な素晴らしいアイデアとワクワクするような期待感とともにやってくるけれど、正しい人、そして正しいプロジェクトをしっかり見定めないと、良い形に結びつかないことが多いんです。そこから私は落ち着いて物事を見定めることを学びました。
- Did you get used to living in Berlin soon?
- At first, I was confused about my situation. I studied product design, traveled around the world, met a lot of wonderful people, and decided to move to Berlin very spontaneously. For someone from South Africa, it was a big change indeed. But, I had to work for a living so I got a job at a kindergarten, which was very tough and stressful.
- How did you start performing as an illustrator?
- I started to paint after coming home from work by train. It was not to show them to someone but purely for myself. I couldn't paint well every time, but I just started to paint purely for the enjoyment of it and sometimes I posted them on Instagram. As I did so without any real intention, people who saw my paintings started to approach me to ask me to work together. Others wanted to buy the prints. Like that, my illustrations began to spread naturally little by little. I myself am enjoying this situation a lot and thinking about trying something completely new. Actually, I'll be performing a live painting at a gallery tomorrow night. It will be my very first experience of such a kind and I am totally excited. I didn't study illustration at school so I think I am studying it now from the real experiences one by one. There are many moments when I am not satisfied with a painting or decision. I have made a lot of mistakes too.
- What kind of mistakes were they?
- It is very disappointing when an exciting project plan fizzles out. In this field, people come with brilliant ideas and exciting expectations. But if you cannot judge the right people and the right project, it won't go well.
I learned that I need to calm myself down to judge things.

including wild animals, the sea, the light, and the smell.
All such things become the energy to survive.
- タラさんの色使いやトーンには独特なものを感じます。土っぽいというか。
南アフリカの色彩ってこんな感じかなぁなんて想像してしまいます。 - 作品を観てくれた多くの人が、実際そのように感じるようです。でも、「さぁ今から絵を描こう!」と椅子に座って、幼少時代を振り返ったり、故郷に思いを馳せることはあまりありません。それはきっと、自然に作品の中に現れるものなんだと思います。
- 具体的にどんなふうに作品に影響するのでしょう。
- 南アフリカは、異なるカルチャー、異なる人種、異なる言葉、異なるコミュニティが入り混じるカラフルな国です。まだまだ人種差別や偏見が横行する現実もあるけれど、少しずつ変わってきています。違いを自覚し、他を許容する、認め合う必要があるということを、人々は理解しようとしています。もちろん、経済的にも政治的にも解決すべき問題は山のようにあります。だから南アフリカの人々は、今日を生き抜くため、ただ生き残るために戦っています。だけど、皆とてもポジティブに毎日を生きているんです。皆笑顔を浮かべているんです。日々を楽しむことに夢中なんです。食べ物を楽しみ、すぐそこにある自然の美しさを慈しむんです。野生動物も、海も、光も、匂いも。それらすべてが日々を生き抜くエネルギーになっているんです。
- I feel something very unique from your color usage and tone,
which is somehow earthy.
It makes me imagine that South African colors might be like that. - I know. People seem to feel like that from my works. But I do not recall my childhood or hometown before creating a painting. I think it naturally appears in my works.
- How do you think your works are influenced?
- South Africa is a colorful country with different cultures, races, languages, and communities. It is true that we still have racial discrimination or prejudice, but it is changing gradually. People are trying to understand that we need to be aware of the differences, accept the others, and acknowledge each other. Of course, there are many problems that need to be solved both economically and politically. However, people in South Africa are striving to survive every day, they are very positive with smiles on their faces. They are crazy about enjoying their lives, food, and nearby nature including wild animals, the sea, the light, and the smell. All such things become the energy to survive. I myself am a very positive person and I love the colors and vibrance of South Africa. I like those things which give off happy messages. Such feelings may affect my paintings, not intentionally but naturally.

Tara Deacon is a South African illustrator and painter, living and working in Berlin. Her hand drawn illustrations, whose themes are everyday things such as various colors, nature, findings and treasures, evokes a sense of nostalgia and simplicity.
A Favorite Spot in Berlin

Behind the blue-green door,
you can feel the latest creative trend in Berlin.
you can feel the latest creative trend in Berlin.
「オープン当初は日本の良い製品や作家の作品を紹介したいという思いが強かったのですが、今は、例えば日本の作家とベルリンの作家を繋いでエキシビションをやったり、こちらの作家と一緒にプロダクトを作ったりだとか、やりたいことや可能性が広がっていくのを感じます。お店のドアを開けていれば、さまざまなアイデアや才能を持つ人が訪ねてきてくれます」。今回取材したダヒアーのヤン・リンドバーグさんとジョン ワさん、イラストレーターのタラ・ディアコンさんも、ソワレを介して知り合ったクリエイターたち。ソワレにくれば日々変化するベルリンのクリエイティブの熱い息吹にいち早く触れることができる。

SOWALE, located in Prenzlauer Berg, is a place you should visit in Berlin. It is a stationery shop opened in Berlin in 2016 by Mr Yasuhiro Tadamatsu and Mrs Tomomi Tadamatsu who were originally running a stationery shop in Fukuoka. Carefully selected Japanese stationery, high-quality paper products such as envelopes or writing papers, and handmade albums or notebooks; those original products, created with a high sense of beauty, are orderly displayed in the beautiful shop. If you open an anthology by Yasuhiro, who is also a poet, the worldview will tell you that SOWALE is not merely a common stationery shop.
“At first, we wanted to introduce high-quality Japanese products or creators' works. But now, we are feeling that the possibilities are expanding through, for example, exhibitions with Japanese and German creators or making products with creators here in Berlin. If we keep the door open, various ideas and creators visit us”, Yasuhiro says. Through SOWALE, we had the pleasure to meet Jan Lindenberg and Jeong Hwa from dahier, and an illustrator Tara Deacon. You can sense the ever-changing energy of creators in Berlin if you come here.
With respect and love, Tomomi comments on creators in Berlin as follows. “I think that they express their emotions rather directly. If they like some work, they just say so. Since they ask whatever interests them, it is easy to guess what they are feeling. Also, not a few creators just pop in with their own books (collections of works) and ask my opinion. Anyway, what is impressive for me is that their communication is direct without any implication.”
Their high sense of beauty for creation, delicate antenna to catch information, and the open atmosphere of the shop have been cultivating connections with not only creators but the local people. Though it has been only one year since the opening, SOWALE has already gained a deep trust from creators. “We are still learning while doing”, they say. When they are preparing for the opening, a lady who passes by everyday with her child talk to them happily.

Stargarder Straße 16, 10437 Berlin
Monday-Friday 10:00-19:00 Saturday 10:00-18:00