

Moments in sound that was found in a rigorous play
The world of Takeo Toyama

研ぎ澄まされたピアノの響きは森の暗がりに差すひとすじの光、艶やかなチェロの調べが鳥たちのささやきを優しく包みこむ。チェロ奏者・徳澤青弦と音楽家・トウヤマタケオによるデュオ「Throwing a Spoon」のファーストアルバムに収められた緊張感ある音の連なり、抑制の効いたセッションは、山梨県の小淵沢にあるログハウスを改造したスタジオで録音された。開け放された窓からは、冷たく潤った草木のさざめきや鳥たちの営みが、朝の気配とともに美しい音の調べとなって瑞々しく耳に届く。フォークロアからジャズ、クラシック、エレクトロニカ、ロックまで研鑽を積んだ音楽観から放たれるトウヤマタケオの音楽。その豊かな感性はEGO-WRAPPIN’、mama! milk、高木正勝、サケロックといった才能たちにも度々迎えられてきた。梅雨明けのある晴れた日、彼の住む美しい瀬戸内海を望む尾道の街を訪れた。

The well-honed piano sound is a ray of light which shines into the darkness of the wood and the glamorous tune of the cello gently wraps the music of the birds. The various pitches of the tense sound and the well-controlled session in the first album of “Throwing a Spoon”, a duo by a cellist Seigen Tokuzawa and a musician Takeo Toyama, were recorded in a studio which was renovated from a log house in Kobuchisawa, Yamanashi Prefecture. From the window wide open, you can freshly hear the beautiful morning music of the moistened plants and the birds. The music of Takeo Toyama comes from his musical view shaped through his devotion to folklore, jazz, classical music, electronica, and rock. The rich sensitivity has been repeatedly welcomed by those talented artists like EGO-WRAPPIN', mama!milk, Masakatsu Takagi or SAKEROCK. On a sunny day after the rainy season, we visited him to Onomichi by the beautiful Inland Sea.


“Hi, good to see you again.” Musician Mr Takeo Toyama is waving to us at the doorway, holding his iPad instead of a mobile phone which he seldom uses in Onomichi. We noticed the smell of the sea and a train approaching from far. There is a port just nearby, steep slopes, and temples with good views. We stepped into his house to see the current state of a musician who moved to this beautiful town from Osaka five years ago.
From a workshop in the garden, we heard someone using a hammer. It was the sound that his wife Naomi, a shoemaker, nailing leather to the sole. “Welcome”, when we looked in from the window, she showed us into the house with a friendly smile. The first floor is used as a music studio, whose nameplate says “music room”, facing the garden. And the second floor is their living space. Musical instruments, pianos, tools, shoes, and a cat; in their living room full of morning sunlight, life and creation are intermingled. We felt a unique yet comfortable tension there.
The music of Takeo Toyama has the sorrow played by a sweet tune, the tactical rhythms, and the deliberate extemporaneity. It is filled with multilayered joy, which is so deep that you cannot easily grasp. We asked him a clue to the secret how it is created.


There were interesting people and a good house.
トウヤマ:16年前、向島にある洋らんセンターで開催されたイベントに呼んでもらったのがきっかけと言えばきっかけです。尾道にある「れいこう堂」って伝説的なレコード屋があって、店主の信恵(のぶえ)さんが手弁当で開催してるイベントで。音楽的にすごい良い耳を持ったひとで、今ほど知られる前からmama!milkとかEGO-WRAPPIN’ とかも招聘されてました。あと大阪モノレール、東京だったらLITTLE CREATURES、アンサリーや二階堂和美も。インディーズでも、メジャーアーティストと何ら変わりない愛情を持って尾道に呼んでくれる。音楽観の確かさと行動力の素晴らしさ、分け隔てない人柄でたくさんのアーティストたちに愛されてる人なんです。信恵さん、イベント費用捻出するためにレコード屋より稼げるからって、土方や新聞配達でバイトしてお金作って。ほんま凄い人なんです。最近は福島の震災被災者の受け入れや移住してこられた方の保養とかで奔走してはって。宮沢賢治みたいな人で、音楽もやるけど今はもっとやることが広がって。だからあちこち走り回ってて店にもほとんどいない。それで誰かがボランティアで店に立ってたり。僕も含めて尾道にはそんな信恵さんを慕って移住してきた人がたくさんいるんです。
It's already been five years since you moved to Onomichi.
First of all, what brought you here?
Toyama: The start was, I think, an event which was held at the Orchid Center in Mukaishima Island 16 years ago. There is a legendary record shop Reikoudou in Onomichi, and it is the owner Mr Nobue who voluntarily holds the event. His sense of music is quite extraordinary. He has invited those artists like mama!milk or EGO-WRAPPIN' even when they were not known like now, as well as Osaka Monaurail, LITTLE CREATURES, Ann Sally, and Kazumi Nikaido. Indie or major, he invites them to Onomichi with the same love. His refined musical view, the wonderful energy, and the sincere personality have been loved by a number of artists. He has even done construction work or newspaper delivery to make money for the event, saying those jobs are much better than the record shop. He is quite a guy, really. Recently, Mr Nobue has been making every effort to help survivors of the Great East Japan Earthquake from Fukushima. To me, he is almost like Kenji Miyazawa. Besides music, his world has been expanding. Though he is rarely here, there is always someone to help his shop voluntarily. There are a lot of people, including me, who have settled in Onomichi following Mr Nobue.
Also, there is a place like a community center in a temple just nearby, Komyoji Kaikan, run by contemporary artists Mr Tamaki Ono and Mr Kiyohito Mikami. They have invited me to play once. Through such occasions, I gradually became attracted to Onomichi and started to look for a house. Since this area is hilly, it is difficult to build a new house, which was why we moved to this old house. When I told my wife that every house was attractive and the rent was surprisingly low, she said we should go have a look soon.
Naomi: We were just thinking about moving to the countryside then. Actually, it was me who jumped to that idea.
Toyama: We were not really sure if we could keep that lifestyle with no guarantee in Osaka. Naomi was just quitting a shop, CHARKHA, after many years, and had made her mind to keep creating shoes. So we called the agency quickly, didn't we?
Naomi: When I called, the staff asked me to join a vacant house tour. So, three days later, I did by myself. I viewed about twenty houses and had a good impression. I took a fancy to the town of Onomichi.
Didn't you have any anxiety about moving your activity base
from a big city like Osaka?
Toyama: A little. But on the contrary, the number of requests has increased since I came here. Maybe it is because I became rather noticeable. You know, in Osaka, I was just one of them, but now, I am Toyama of Onomichi.


I catch the fragments of sensuous melody in my pastime.
I am very curious about the way how musicians create music.
Music or pictures, whatever the form is, the artistic process of creation is
completely a black box to me.
Toyama: Assuming that a picture can be born from a real motif, music can't, because music is notional. For example, it is possible to imitate a famous phrase of a comedian trio “Are you a fool?” in that tone. But once you omit the words and say it only with “la”, it is now a notion. I won't deny the possibility to get a hint directly from a real motif, but that hint may be cut apart from the reality at an early stage. I think that pictures or photos, especially photos, have something real at their starting points and the photographers have to keep them for quite a long time. I know they can blur in shooting or retouch afterward, but they should drag the realistic aspects of the object. Music is not so. That is exactly the most difficult and interesting point of music.
Do you mean that the motifs of music are in yourself?
Can you tell us about more specific process of your creation?
Toyama: I simply love to sit in front of a musical instrument, piano or guitar, whatever it is. And in playing, I find myself in an unconscious world, where I try anything, this movement or that, or the combination. When I find an interesting movement, I develop it, for example, from clap-clap-clap to clang-clang-clang, or with one finger and then with two fingers. You see, it's such random. I make up my own rule to play on the spot. When I feel like breaking it, sometimes I do, and sometimes I don't. What is interesting is that breaking rule can take me to an unexpectedly interesting development. In doing so, a fragment of melody catches my sense and I feel like “this is it.”
And it becomes a motif of your music.
Toyama: Right. I write down that fragmentary motif, or a trigger, to a sheet of music and let it sleep. For me, to conceive and to create music may be completely different procedures. I guess the parts of my brain to be used must be different. To conceive is an act to catch in the play, so I have to play with all my soul to make it amusing. But it is quite exhausting to play like that. After all, it is a rare case for me to go on to the design procedure seamlessly because I cannot change my mind smoothly from play to study. That is why I don't want to mix those two acts together.


I want to complete everything in music.
Music is the only sanctuary for me.
体感的な時間の流れの変化はどうですか? 生活スタイルも変わりますよね。
すごい! しっかりスローライフしてる。
We can hear the sound of the train regularly from the railway in front of your house.
Compared to Osaka, do those changes of the environmental sound in your daily life
affect your sound creation?
Toyama: Actually, not at all. I do hear those sounds when I am making music, but I do not care. It might slightly affect my subconscious deep down in my heart though. It is not just my style to make music under the influence of the environment or my daily life. I think it is my nature.
If it were me, I guess I would be totally affected.
Toyama: I know. You feel like commenting on it, don't you? If I say something like “here comes a train, the sound of a train…” or others, I cannot help commenting on myself “so what?” To me, it is rather fair to start with the sound only. I have been like this from the beginning, so even when you ask me if the environmental changes affect me or not, I don't know what to say. Still, I think I can never say no definitely.
What about the change of the physical flow of time?
Your lifestyle did change, didn't it?
Toyama: Exactly. That is why I can never say no. There might be some changes in me I myself do not notice. Well, lifestyle… I have had little interest in things like Slow Life, you know. I came here not because I wanted to live in the countryside. I am basically an urban guy. I think I am resisting not to get affected so easily by that kind of things.
Naomi: But the thing is, he has become a farm guy in just five years, which he had said he would never be.
Oh, so you are growing vegetables, aren't you? What are you growing?
Toyama: Well, this and that, like peanuts, cucumbers, eggplants, tomatoes, those summer vegetables now. Onions and sweet potatoes, too.
Wonderful! It is Slow Life, isn't it?
Toyama: No, no, not that. I'm not very fond of those direct and short-sighted images of Slow Life, like, “to move to the countryside must be to seek Slow Life” or others. I don't really like that kind of stereotype because it seems that such view can deny those people who migrate from different reasons. In a way, music is something which lets me be myself, being away from any kind of influence. That is why I do not want to start my sound creation besides music. I want to conclude everything only in music. Music is the only sanctuary for me.
Throwing a Spoon / clouds


Mr Toyama sat in front of a piano and played a piece of music using the fragmentary melody he had just found in the play. This nameless newborn music resonates only for this house, where a cat is taking a nap in the hallway and a hammer is producing a sound. The scenery is healthy, clear, and strikingly fresh with no shade of distortion or friction from the outside in the process of creation. In a world full of meta tags, maybe each of us should own such a place, the ultimate sanctuary, where no one and nothing can affect. “If I don't play with all my soul, it's not amusing.” That may be the secret why the music of Takeo Toyama, born from the pure play, touches our hearts.



音楽家。1965年兵庫県生まれ。作曲 ピアノ 声 諧謔 郷愁 D.I.Y. ピアノ弾き語り、チェリスト徳澤青弦とデュオ”Throwing a Spoon”、8ビート偏愛バンド”PATOLOL MAN”、画家nakabanとの旅する幻燈楽団“ランテルナムジカ”など、活動は多岐に渡る。ピアノ奏者としての客演やアレンジャーとしても活動。主な録音・ライブ参加アーティストは、EGO-WRAPPIN’ 、中納良恵、高木正勝、SAKEROCK、mama!milk等。現在までにリリースされたCDは9枚。うち2枚はドイツのKaraoke-Kalkレーベルからリリースされている。最新作は歌ものソロ作品「飛ばない日」(windbell 2013)と、Throwing a Spoonの「awakening」(cote labo 2014)。広島県尾道市在住。

Musician. Born in Hyogo Prefecture, 1965. The variations of his activity are many; composition, piano, vocal, banter, nostalgia, D.I.Y., singing with a piano, a duo with a cellist Seigen Tokuzawa “Throwing a Spoon”, an 8 beat band “PATOLOL MAN”, and a traveling unit with a painter nakaban “LANTERNAMUZICA”. He also performs as a guest piano player or an arranger for those artists like EGO-WRAPPIN' , Yoshie Nakano, Masakatsu Takagi, SAKEROCK, mama!milk and more. 9 CDs have been released so far, including two from a German Electronica label Karaoke-Kalk. His latest works are singing solo album “Tobanai Hi” (windbell 2013) and “awakening” (cote labo 2014) by “Throwing a Spoon”. He is currently living in Onomichi, Hiroshima Prefecture.

Official Website: www.takeotoyama.info
facebook: www.facebook.com/groundpiano
shop: hello88.theshop.jp